Some top tips on how manage and understand your employees which will help succeed in building great rapports with them.
Listen to them
Employees within your organisation want to feel that they are valued and their ideas and opinions are listened to regarding the work they are conducting for the business. Some employees may appear difficult and display negative behaviour if they feel they are being dismissed. Taking some time out of your day to show your interest in the contribution your employees bring to the business will go a long way in enhancing your professional relationships with them and the standard of work they produce.
Stay Positive
A useful tool to have when managing your employees is to stay positive and contribute towards finding solutions to help move forward within the business. Staying positive provides motivation to all your employees within business and helps them feel that you are approachable. Being approachable helps your employees come to you with any issues they might have personally or within the workplace such as with their colleagues or their workload.
Offer Feedback
Offering feedback to your employees is essential for their professional growth within their career. All types of feedback encourage employees to reflect and see where improvements could be made for progression. Some employees may need additional support and identifying this will allow you to implement additional support where needed. Regular one to ones are strongly recommended, one to one’s allow you to keep up to date with each employee’s needs and their progress within the business.
Get to know each employee
Of course, it’s important to know who is working for you and how they contribute towards the business. Every individual has a different personality and understanding them will be helpful in gathering insight of how they behave and conduct their work.
Communicate and be clear
Communicate clearly with your employees on how you expect the work to be completed. Doing this verbally and written will provide guidance and allow the employees to understand and ask for help when needed. Being clear helps eliminate any misunderstandings and provides structure within the business.
Implement policies and measures from the beginning
All employees should be aware of the business’s policies and measures once they start at the company. All expectations should be explained verbally and reasons behind them. Providing a written version will allow the employees to have a copy. It is important that employees sign the written document to show that they understand and agree to abide by these. This allows you to follow the correct measure if they are broken, this protects both you and the employee.
Always remain professional
Remaining professional in and out of work is important as you represent the business you work for and this helps your employees observe and follow the same behaviour. Remember that you are promoting the expectations of the business and acting upon these will allow others to follow. Remaining professional provides a stance on how you expect others to behave at all times.